Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Best B-Day Present Ever

As most of you know, my birthday this year was not exactly how I had envisioned it. However, as time has passed, as is usually the case with the passage of time, I gained a new perspective on my whole birthday fiasco. Jackson's nose is pretty much healed now; there is only some slight discoloration remaining. But, as I was reflecting the accident, I began to feel extremely blessed that his nose was not actually broken. To be honest, when I first saw it, I would have sworn that it was. However, when Denise told me that the doctor said that he looked at the x-rays, and concluded that the nose was not broken, I liked to jump for joy!!!! Not that a broken nose is anywhere close to being the worse thing in world, but it was welcomed news nonetheless. And, hearing that welcomed news on my birthday was truly a birthday present to be cherished.