Monday, June 2, 2008

Reel life versus Real life

Today was a day of days. Amidst great pomp and circumstance, I was sworn in as an Assistant U.S. Attorney today. The room was extremely ornate, and, quite frankly, I was touched by the number of my new colleagues who attended the ceremony. Most importantly, for me, my wife and sons were also in attendance. However, an interesting event took place as my family and I were leaving. As we were walking to our car, my oldest son, Jack, would grab my hand, and I would swing him forward. Well, just as we were ending our short walk from my office to the parking lot where the my car was parked, he slipped from my hand, and did a veritable face plant into the sidewalk cement. I will never forget the horrific sound his head made as he came crashing down. As expected, he went through the normal motions of screaming, grabbing his head, et cetera. His screaming continued for some time, and it seemed as if several hours passed before silence had reestablished its kingdom. Suffice it to say, my priorities were immediately corrected. Only moments before, I was aspiring to the honors of men, but when I saw my son sprawled on this hot city street, writhing in pain, I was, once again, reminded about who and what is really important in this life.


Denise said...

That was so sweet. I was ready to read all about your swearing in. I hadn't really correlated the two events together until I read this post. You are very insightful. FYI - Jackson is doing much better today. But, it was pretty scary.

Lissa said...

It is amazing how our kids can keep our eternal perspective in focus...nothing in the world matters when your child is suffering...I am glad jackson is doing better, I swear that kid is made of rubber!

Timmey001 said...

Congratulations on your swearing in.
That sounded scary about jackson but its good he is doing better now.
We miss you!

Corinne said...

I bet that swearing-in was a huge deal for your family, how neat that Denise and the kids could be there. Sorry about that face plant though. That sound is horrible, isn't it? I remember when Preston fell out of a Staples cart onto his head and that sound reverberated in my brain the rest of the day. I'm glad he's okay :)

Roger & Sue Hilt said...

Congatulation! So proud of you! So sorry to hear about Jackson's accident. What a scare, so glad he is ok though. Best wishes in your new home! Love Aunt Sue & Uncle Roger

Anonymous said...

We are very proud to have a son that is a Assistant U.S. Attorney, Congradulations! A great accomplishment. But really you need to be more carefull with my grandsons, please! We miss you already....

Anonymous said...

Uncle Bob and Robin sy - Congratulations on your important new job and great sense of perspective. Great that your children could see that the world outside the family also has high regard for their father.

Scott and Megan said...

look at you Jimmy--on to becoming ...I don't know...what do you become after this? President? Anyway, love the post and I'm proud you are a blogger!

Unknown said...

How amazing that even at the times when we feel like we have everything, Heavenly Father reminds us that we have so much more than even we realize. Too bad it had to be a "face plant" to get your attention. My kids usually get stuck in/on something, like the train. Jordan was left on the train as the doors closed and she was moving very slow a couple of months back. It all makes you realize who it is that you work for. You guys are amazing and I am really happy for you. I am glad that Jackson is ok. We went to Enrichment tonight and Khamari asked for Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all the new history you guys are writing! We miss you all here and wish you as few face plants as possible in most-excellent Michigan:)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations, Jimmy! I am glad to finally hear from you guys! I'm not normally a blogger, but if this is how I will have to stay in touch with you, I'll get with the program!! It is great to know that you are a little closer to us now. I will not ask when you are coming to Chicago. The children and I will have to pack the van and visit you guys in Michigan. Big hugs and lots of kisses to those beautiful boys!Love Kimberly